Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Gods and Monsters

So, here we have an anonymous request for a statement from me on the Gangaji/Eli situation. While it’s somewhat nice to get an actual comment on this, what has been a mostly unread-by-others little diary of mine, I have to admit to some suspicion of this request. After all, the only people outside of Ashland, Oregon likely to even know who Gangaji and Eli are would be those people who are in the group, and those people in the group are in large part involved in some form of fighting, arguing, posturing, breaking into camps over the whole human mess. And since I have recently posted to a discussion board thereof. And, since it’s likely that Anonymous tracked me over here from that board. And, since Anonymous has called itself “Anonymous,” well, it just seems like kind of a chicken way to start something up. Sorry, Anonymous. If you want to begin a discussion or if you are for some reason interested in my particular thoughts on the matter you’re going to have to be someone else besides Anonymous and you’re going to need to let us know something about why you are interested. Even then I don’t know that I’m in a mood to write about the G/E conundrum here. What’s the point? Suffice it to say that when we are surprised by humans acting like humans our best bet is to look inward. So, Anonymous, provide me with a point and an identity and I’ll reconsider.

Peace to one and all. Tonight: State of the Nation. Like we don’t know already.

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