Einstein or no, now that the bee story has emerged into the general consciousness, I wonder if, collectively, we’ll care enough to do something about it? If this so-called Colony Collapse Disorder is, indeed, caused by, let’s say, cell phone radiation, will be all drop out cell phones? Will the towers come down? Or will we tread the global warming path, and watch business and government together trivialize the phenomenon in order to save the mega-com companies’ profits?
I liked that Metal Ox said simply, when I asserted that if it is truly shown that cell phones are messing up the bee’s homing mechanisms, that I would get rid of my beloved cell phone, “We might not have a choice.” There is a beautiful innocence in this moment. It’s sweet that he would trust that such a thing would be so. I don’t. I’ve watched evidence of global warming, deadly and irreversible water source degradation, and blah blah blah ad infinitum get ignored and propagandized away for approximately 25 years now. I’ve seen a trillion people roll their eyes every time I tried to suggest we might want to take some responsibility in there matters. Unless it’s in the mainstream news every day for a month, it doesn’t exist, I guess. I don’t know. I don’t trust that humans, collectively, will sacrifice crap for the larger good. Sorry. I know individuals who do it. I just haven’t seen it happening en masse.
In other matters, it was reported to me that a woman was approached from behind and hit in the head with a brick, by some unknown man, a block or so from the yoga studio yesterday in broad daylight. She was on her way to class, carrying nothing but her matt. The man apparently did not try to rape her, or steal anything (why would he want her yoga matt, unless he didn’t know what it was?). So why did he do this? Simple insanity? Rage at income disparity? Gentrification-angst? Race rage (the two were of different races)?
I emailed Art Holliday at KSDK, to ask him if he’d heard about it, and if they were going to report on it. He’s answered email from me before, and he’s always been really sweet. Haven’t heard back from him (yet?) though. Then I dropped another email to Harry Levins at the Post-Dispatch. He wrote me back, saying, “Normally, we don't report on muggings. There are so many that they'd cause the [P-D web] site to overflow. Sorry.”
Here’s a shout-out to The Princess, who had shoulder surgery yesterday and is rather down and out: Hey, Your Highness-Girl. I’ll be out there pretty soon and we’ll hang. K?
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