I don't know. Isn't it just a little intimidating when weirdo anarchists squat on your blog? Just a little? How do I know it's not my crazy ex-husband, Ken, who told such egregious lies about me when he was divorcing me, who had me followed by PIs (boy, I bet that was an exciting gig for them), and just basically defamed and terrorized me in the hope that he could coerce me into "paying him back the money he spent courting me." Right. Me: grad student single mother. He: Mr. Richie Rich childless don't have to work unless he wants to guy. And like courting comes with guarantees. And like, if you hadn't harassed my daughter into fearful tears or been a generally abusive horrible person once we got married? Anyway, didn't happen. Coersion of me didn't work. It tends not to. He had to go off along his deluded, lying, creepy way. How much money did he waste on attorney's fees trying to get revenge on me for leaving him? Point being, he's just obsessively psychotic enough, I know from experience, to create some web page to frighten and harass.
Or, how do I know it's not one of those icky guys I went out with from eharmony before I got tired of that silly scene? (See Rules for a First Date With Me)
And even if it is just what it looks like, which is quite likely, this cyber-squatting, that's bad enough. And anyway, I don't intend to stop until they are gone on their icky way as well.
They were gone yesterday afternoon, then back again this morning. I contacted all sorts of Federal agencies, the company their domain is registered with, the FBI, everyone I could think of. So we'll see. Again, I can only say that they are not very cyberpunk if they have to steal from someone like me. Pussy-boys.
Oh, and here you go: enjoy looking at unphotogenic, chubby me as I prepair to win second place in the pie contest! : http://www.claytonfarmersmarket.com/piecontest.html
And, if you wanna, you can see if you see me or the pussy-wannabe-punkettes when you go to my catering blog: http://unseenorchard.blogspot.com.
hugs. ouf.
let's go to italy and look these people up. trip to italy, IRL discussion on the ethics of punk and its iterations?
They're in Italy? Is that what the cc means? The info I found said Florida. What are you thinking Italy? I would rather they be Americans.
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