Thursday, September 20, 2007

Hillary Tasering Too, Sort of

She's trying to taser the Bill of Rights, anyway. No pun intended.
I just sent this letter to her campaign:

Dear. Ms. Clinton,

Is it true that you are setting up "Free Speech Zones" at your speeches and rallies and/or screening for "dissidents" at these events? I saw a member of Code Pink on cable news this week who made this claim. Wow.

I have to say: If this is true, if you are following the Bush administration's template of suppressing free speech and assembly, if you are doing anything other than working hard to reverse the damage to civil rights and democratic discourse the Republicans have done, then you can count me out of ever voting for you under any circumstances. As a matter of fact, if I don't see you openly addressing this issue immediately and reversing your policies in this matter I hereby commit to do all my campaigning against you, henceforth.

My family has been staunchly Democratic since the party has existed. Even though a woman President in my lifetime would make me very happy, and I have been leaning toward voting for you in the primary until now, I will not let you ruin my party or codify the ruin of my country that Bush & Co. have undertaken! We need someone who can lead this country back to its core ideals, and those are based on the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, for God's sake!

Then I sent this to the Obama campaign:

I just sent Hillary Clinton the underlying [it's overlying for you, dear blog reader] letter. I am wondering how your campaign is handling this issue.

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